The world is behind the required pace to reach UN Sustainable Development Goal 7: clean and affordable energy for all by 2030. SolarAid has been trying to help to lead the way, and we are approaching our 2 millionth solar
The world is behind the required pace to reach UN Sustainable Development Goal 7: clean and affordable energy for all by 2030. SolarAid has been trying to help to lead the way, and we are approaching our 2 millionth solar light sale in Africa. Today we launch a product, with our partner Namene Solar Light Company, of which we have great hopes. A good time for for a state-of-play report, in the form of a pictures-and-charts history.
In preparing this, I am hoping others can learn from our mistakes as well as successes, and share in our excitement about the prospects for hitting this vital target for humankind. As ever, the powerpoint original is available in the slideshow folder.